Youth Mentorship Program

Shouter Spiritual Baptist Youth Mentorship Program


The primary purpose of this project was to provide a comprehensive method that would respond appropriately to some of the issues that are of most concern to the community of Scarborough South West. The current fiscal environment demands the under standing of the changing dynamics of the job market.

The youth of today are faced with those challenges and many are not prepared for the job market. The Spiritual Baptist Church developed this program aimed at alleviating some barriers to youth in grades 5 to 9 using young people aged 18 to 30 years as mentors.

By building self esteem through responsibility this program encouraged the development of certain skills necessary for successful employment opportunities. Additionally, the program also encouraged the avenue for positive role modeling and mentoring.

In order to achieve our aforementioned goal youth must be guided and motivated to achieve the success they deserve.

“Remember the creator in the days of your youth” Ecdesiastes 12:6