
Websites to Visit

A government-sponsored program designed to empower young women to combat issues of victimization and violence and become agents of change within their communities.

Shouters Youth Entrepreneurship Project
A government-sponsored project where youth learn skills enabling them to start their own business.

Trinidad & Tobago High Commission
Trinidad & Tobago High Commission, Ottawa, Canada

Archbishop Deloris Seiveright’s Published Books


Books to Read

Marching to Zion
by Marrit Laitinen – Creolisation in Spiritual Baptists Rituals and Cosmology.

Joy Comes in the Morning
by C.M. Jacob – Published by The Caribbean Historical Society, Trinidad & Tobago. “History of the Faith and the Liberator.

A Brief History of The Baptists in Trinidad & Tobago
by Bishop Eudora Thomas.

Spirit Blood and Drums
by James T. Houk – Only Chapter (6) six about the Faith.

NESBF Archdiocese, Hymnal & Trumpets
by Dr. Deloris Seiveright – See the contact page for more information.